Friday, 9 December 2011

The Black Keys - El Camino

Made for walking down the street and feeling like a badass. Outstanding even on first listen.

Listen Here

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Peaking Lights - Hey Sparrow

Burning the candle at both ends is a messy game, but it's surprisingly easy to clean off a library desk. The only real option in saving your sanity in these T-24 hours till exam scenarios is 3.56 minute bursts of escapism. For once this week, the numbers have come out just right.

Peaking Light's colours come from the duo Aaron and Indra from Rah Dunes and Numbers. Hey Sparrow's walking bass, reminiscent of 'Golden Brown', leads you by the hand through an enchanted forest of rolling feedback and endless echos. The foundation of this song is a beautifully sweet and simple pop song. So, drift off, press reset, and when you open your eyes again you'll have a smile pulling at the corners of your mouth.

Out now on Domino Records

Listen Here

Recommended Remix: Hey Sparrow (D'Eon Remix)