Saturday, 29 October 2011


Hey, long time no see. Between the Endogenous Growth models, Germanic beer pong and the case system, i've not had much life spare. Even now im thinking about scarce resources and time allocation. To keep me on the Animal Collective side of insanity ive been making playlists. These are my sketchbooks. I've sourced songs from radio shows(6 music to be precise), from friends and from other recommendations. Some are new tracks, some are old, but they are all quality.

Playlist One: MFA #5

This was largely assembled by tracks that 6 Music has fed me, and also contains tracks from Radioheads playlist posted on This is a real mix bag, so i recommend shuffle. You wouldn't just eat your jam then eat your toast would you, idiot.

Playlist Two: Melody

We weren't going to go out. In fact i was adamant that i wasn't. Nevertheless by the time DIOYY? and Test Icicles hit, we were tanked up and ready to roll out. Strictly no shuffle.

Playlist Three: Not Strictly new music...MFA #6

Just be in the mood for quality music, and i'm sure you'll enjoy. Play it straight for a blast from the past to some new music. Or go fucking mental and press shuffle.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

James Blake - Enough Thunder EP

The EP might not arrive at your door in bubble wrap and tape, but make no mistake, it is fragile. Maybe its the economist in me, but James Blakes records have the trade mark of music made on the margin. There is nothing that could be added or taken away which would improve this record. 'A Case of You' is beautiful.