Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Friendly Fires and Azari & III

Ohhhh it was good to be back in Mint last night! Shy fx and breakage were amazing, needless to say! Great to see a few more familiar faces in the smoking area too, you know who you guys are!

But then we come to that familiar feeling, head pounding, ears ringing, door banging, and rather strangely nose bleeding... (wont go into detail, but it appears i fell out of bed!). So i was very happy to see this little baby pop into my inbox.

So what do we have, Friendly Fires and Azari & III. Its an interesting and successful blend of ambient synths, electronic samba drumming, and well laid vocals. Slow building, but rips into proper Friendly Fires chorus, which makes you want to dig out the debut right after. BUT at nearly 6 minutes, its hardly going to get much radio play, and its hardly going to be your first choice when you put your headphones on..

So think i can save my big love the next album, please?

Friendly Fires and Azari & III - Stay Here by salacioussound

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

We Are Back!

Oh yes, we are back, bigger and sicker than ever! Sunday 11am-1pm, bring you out of your metropolis/mint/mezz/subdub/everyfrickinggoodnightinleedsonaSaturdaynight(!) hangover! All the new music that you can handle xD


Ps start sending in your bands tracks again, if 2/3 of us like you, you're on the show!
Pss don't send them in if you're easily offended, or have a mic stand inserted in a bad place!
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Sunday, 12 September 2010

Music is the best medicine!

Hannah here, checking into this crazy blackberry-to-blog-via-email technology. Forget matts 'music blogging from the top of a welsh mountain'. I'm ill in bed. Post- tonsilectomy. Who cares that it'll make me better in the long term blahblahblahh it HURTS. LOADS! I'm taking the opportunity to go through my Ipod getting rid of all the shit I've accumulated over the years from djing at the most random selection of events. On top of this I thought I'd spend my 2 week recovery period deciding what my desert island disks would be. But I've got a problem...HOW ON EARTH DO THEY DO IT? Its the hardest decision to ever make. 8 songs that define your life. Unlike the ancient Matthew who's just turned 21, I've only lived 19 years and I've still got about 10 times more than the rules allow! I don't even want to think about doing it in 20 years time. My dads got about 200, and that's just his all time favourites, I need to get cracking! And my luxury? My morphine and my painkillers...obviouslyy!
Watch this space!
H x
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Wednesday, 8 September 2010

The Knights of Lovalot

You've heard M.I.A. new record haven't you? Good because today's lesson is on Lovalot.

You don't have to read the Independent everyday to realise there are some fierce politics and ideologies being passed about these days. Some people take the view that 'you can never understand another culture, so you can never change or influence' and there's others that speak there mind, think out loud, sometimes if its done wrong, it can deeply offend. But if its done right, a middle ground, an understanding can be built.

I say all this at a time when US pastor, Terry Jones, is going to burn 200 Koran on the anniversary of 9/11. Small town US 'folk' have never ever tried to understand other cultures, as their culture seems to be to attack and criminalise those who are different. To kill a mocking bird ring a bell "you can't truly understand someone until you climb in to their skin".

Back to the music, this is what maya achieved, or at least tries to achieve with Lovalot, terrorism is probably one of the most used terms in the news since 2001. And the terrorists mind will probably be studied for centuries to come. The 'in the mind of a terrorist' lyrics are hard, and gritty, but simple in the idea of freedom, and the fight for it. The melody set in the dark, bass sounding out like a jungle war dance. The terrorist shuffle.

Sorry to get so deep today, but Maya has a good point here, and a better point for reflection than the flames from a relic that 1.57billion people turn to for guidance.

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Saturday, 4 September 2010

So I'm old..

21.. Those years went fast, like too fast, but nevertheless, I couldn't have had a better 21 years.

So party tonight? Well, I'm 21 so you have to think how you got here, that's what you should be celebrating, so who is that. Yess friends, and girlfriends have got me through many years, through some of the hardest, but there's something else for me, something that has made me happiest, and strongest.

Sum it up? Well in my life there's a song for every time, and every emotion. And for my 21st..

TV on the Radio - Family Tree

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Friday, 3 September 2010

Summer Days

Ahh the classic journey for me, chester - wirral line, to aarons house, drinks, smokes, film, bit of drawing and art ideas. But a band caught my ears on the tired drive home, The Dodos.

Where are they now? I'd love for a new album, can someone out there give me some news, pleaaase? In payment... Aarons dog, barney!

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Thursday, 2 September 2010

Leeds fest

Ooooooh how good: PERFECT.
Me and Hannah managed to clock up 10 bands a day, £56 of alcohol, and a few other naughty bit and pieces too!

LCD soundsystem 10\10
Blink 182
Beardyman, always a show!

Would I go next year? probs not to be honest, think its time to give glasto a go :)

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